

View the Project on GitHub artic-network/polecat


Instructions for installing polecat locally


polecat runs on MacOS and Linux. The conda environment recipe may not build on Windows (and is not supported) but polecat can be run using the Windows subsystem for Linux.

  1. Some version of conda, we use Miniconda3. Can be downloaded from here
  2. Access to CLIMB or to a local data directory. More information about this data here

Install polecat

  1. git clone https://github.com/artic-network/polecat.git and cd polecat
  2. conda env create -f environment.yml
  3. conda activate polecat
  4. python setup.py install

Note: we recommend using polecat in the conda environment specified in the environment.yml file as per the instructions above. If you can’t use conda for some reason, dependency details can be found in the environment.yml file.

Check the install worked

Type (in the polecat environment):


and you should see the help menu of polecat printed

Updating polecat

To update:

  1. conda activate polecat
  2. git pull
    pulls the latest changes from github
  3. python setup.py install
    re-installs polecat
  4. conda env update -f environment.yml
    updates the conda environment

Troubleshooting update

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